TITLE: Innovative Sludge Pre-Treatments

Valladolid hosted an International Course on Innovative Sludge Pre-treatments in June 23-24th 2013. The event was coordinated by the Anaerobic Digestion Research Group of the Department of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Technology of Valladolid University under the frame of the IWA 13th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion held in Santiago de Compostela in June 25-28th 2013. The Number of participants in this theoretical-practical course was 20, while the number of attendees at the IWA Conference Exceeded 800.
Date: June 23-24th 2013
TITLE: IWA Specialist Conference 2011 
This conference will focus on the latest developments in energy-efficient and sustainable waste (wastewater, off-gas, sludge) treatment in the industry of the XXI century, bringing together professionals from academia, industry and public administrations. The event aims at providing a forum for environmental and chemical engineers, microbiologists, chemists and policy makers to present their most recent technological and scientific breakthroughs in the fields of management, characterization, minimization and abatement of industrial wastes. We therefore invite you to come and enjoy this exciting event in the heart of Spain.
Date: May 1st-4th 2011
TITLE: Valladolid workshop on Odour Characterization & Management in WWTPs 
Valladolid hosted the 1st Workshop on Odour Characterization and Management in Wastewater Treatment plants in June 7-8th 2010. The event was coordinated by the Department of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Technology of Valladolid University and LEQUIA from the University of Gerona within the technical workshops organized under the frame of the project CONSOLIDER-NOVEDAR. The project CONSOLIDER-NOVEDAR is funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation with the program INGENIO 2010 and is composed of 11 research groups (9 Spanish and 2 Dutch) and 29 water companies and environmental agencies (
Date: June 7-8th 2010